Founder’s word

Everyone has his or her dream; some prefer wealth, others choose kids, and other people may prefer health, but one of them was never enough for me; I have always dreamt to have them all. Having my own school was my obsessive dream since I was doing my masters in England when I saw the wonderful opportunities the kids have there to develop their skills. As soon as I got my Ph.D. in methodology from Cambridge university, I started my serious steps to prepare myself for establishing my own school by studying School management in Harvard University to cope with the latest techniques of running such a crucial business. Having completed my diploma in School management from Harvard University, I flew immediately to Ukraine to start the foundations of my Dream. Although I am originally from Egypt, But I have always considered Ukraine as my second mother land since I got married to my beautiful Ukrainian wife and had my wonderful  sons which was another consolidating reason why I have to make my own school where my kids will nourish their skills with the blended mixture of British, American, German, and Japanese education which is implanted in the curriculum we are currently using in our Academy and supervised by Pearson University and Edexcel In London.

Our academy is covering a wide range of learners; starting from little kids to prepare them for joining our International school, to undergraduate Students who wish to be prepared to join an International University, to Graduates who wish to evolve their career opportunities by learning a variety of languages. The 3D interactive boards and projectors installed in every class are supporting our student-centered learning education presented in our academy; therefore, all our current students find it amusing to learn in our academy. The versatile range of subjects given to our learners either in our kids’ center or our International school, prepares our learners to build a new generation of skillful citizens who can face the ups and downs of life. Also, the professional educational consultation given to our graduate students helps them to cope with the exponential changes in our life. Unlike most of the Schools in Ukraine, The Royal English Academy is not just a certified place from both Edexcel, and Pearson University, but also tailors its own curriculum to cope with the standard of the heterogeneous learners enrolled in our Academy.

In conclusion, My dream is a reflection of every parent’s dream and I invite every parent and learner in Ukraine to visit us and I am totally sure that they will not leave the place till they reserve a place for their kid or for them in our Academy, simply because any person visiting the place will understand the fact that it is not just a place for collecting money, but a place where the skills are improved, characters are built, and knowledge is given in a totally healthy, safe, and amiable educational environment.

Why The Royal English Academy?

Our students Preferred The Royal Academy because of the quality of our teaching and the Academy enjoys a global reputation.  Small class sizes and individual attention, combined with many years of experience enable us to help our students to gain the qualifications needed to maximize their higher education and career prospects.
            Our highly-qualified staff and wide range of A level subjects ensure that we can prepare our Learners for whatever course they wish to study.  We also intend to give special tuition for entry to many university degrees.

            Comparison with other colleges shows that The Royal English Academy provides excellent value with very competitive fees.  Another important reason to choose The Royal English Academy is its genuine independence from other groups and their financial interests.  As an academy accredited by Edexcel every three years, the latest report is available to parents on our website. In August 2018, The Royal Academy was graded as ‘Outstanding’ in all five categories by Edexcel. 
            We offer a relaxed atmosphere in which students are treated as adults but we monitor our students closely to ensure that they are happy, safe and well-motivated.  This includes keeping a close eye on their attendance and progress, which parents are also encouraged to follow through our dedicated intranet portal.

Facilities & E-learning

The Academy is housed in a newly renovated premises and it is surrounded by good transport links. Our academy is within walking distance from many metro stations and of Kiev’s most famous attractions such as the National Circus of Ukraine. Classrooms are bright and airy, with up-to-date technology. The library provides students with a place to work in a quiet and comfortable environment and contains reference books, past examination papers, university prospectuses and the internet.  Computers provide access to interactive study aids for GCSE Sciences and Mathematics.  Information on degree courses, universities and careers is available for students in the Director of Studies’ office.

               The Royal English Academy has its own servers that support Internet and web-based applications throughout the academy. All students and staff have free access to the web through Wi-Fi and the academy has an advanced filtering system that allows students to surf the web in a safe and secure manner. Students are allowed to bring their own tablets and laptops for independent study, but they must adhere to our IT and e-safety policy and respect teachers’ policies on the use of technology during lessons. The academy is developing its own Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) system and classes generally adopt a blended learning approach, using YouTube and other sites or applications where these augment the learning experience. Our e-learning strategies are constantly being upgraded to reflect what works best for students, and that curriculum and specification-approved sites are used.

              The College has custom built laboratories – a physics laboratory and a new chemistry laboratory. The physics laboratory has been designed to allow students the best chance to engage in experimental physics and is spacious. The new chemistry laboratory was designed by the Head of Science and the tutors to allow students the best possible experimental experience. The academy also has a well-resourced Art Room as well as ICT facilities and Photoshop software. The academy has many original paintings on display in its corridors and classrooms, several of which are the work of the art teacher.

              The canteen in The Royal English Academy provides facilities for students to eat their own snacks or to buy hot and cold drinks.  It also offers a place for students to relax, meet friends and to watch many entertaining channels.  In addition, the academy is well located for the many vibrant cafés and eateries. The Academy takes security very seriously and is mindful of its responsibility to safeguard all our students so that they learn and make progress in a safe and secure environment. To this end, the Academy has its own security system that covers nearly all areas of the Academy’s public floor space, using a network of high-definition cameras. The key monitoring terminals are continuously monitored; further terminals are in reception.  All visitors to the Academy must report to the security officer at the front desk and sign in and confirm their right to be in the building via an appointment.

Our General Mission and Vision

Our mission in the Academy is to provide an outstanding education in a safe and caring international environment, inspiring all our learners to reach their true potential and to act as responsible participants in a global society.

  Our General Statement of Philosophy

We believe it is vital to teach the knowledge and skills learners need to function successfully within both the community of our Academy and the multilingual, multicultural societies in which we live.


Language Courses Mission & Vision

Our Mission

To provide quality English language instruction to all individuals who have chosen English as their medium of communication for academic or professional pursuits and to promote international and intercultural understanding

Our Vision

To become one of the leading institutes in Europe by setting standards of excellence in innovative curriculum design, teaching, professional development, and cross-cultural understanding

International School Mission and Vision

The school considers the following attributes to be of great importance to lifelong learners:

  • Inquiry
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Open-mindedness
  • Risk-taking
  • Creativity
  • Reflection

We believe it is equally important that the school, together with the family and the wider community, foster responsible attitudes and desirable behavior, enabling students to act with integrity and to take responsibility for their actions.
We have a duty to set world-recognized standards of achievement and to enable students to meet these standards. We believe that instruction should be differentiated to equably support those students capable of exceeding the standards and students who have difficulty in achieving them.
We recognise the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance by providing a diversity of sporting, recreational and creative activities.
We do not tolerate any form of discrimination. We believe, moreover, that the school must offer an environment where children of different nationalities, cultures, backgrounds and beliefs can learn to know, understand and respect each other.


Kids’ Center Mission & Vision

Our Vision:

To develop innovative learning and teaching environments that foster teachers’ professionalism and help children reach their full potential.


Our Beliefs:

We deeply believe that the childhood years are the most important for growing and learning. Therefore, we must provide our children with…

  • A safe and richly stimulating learning environment …
    with facilities that encourage the children to take an active role in learning.
  • A nurturing and caring learning atmosphere …
    in which children can establish close relationships with classmates and teachers, and where social skills and individuality are promoted.
  • A wide variety of learning opportunities within our curriculum …
    that encourage children to actively participate in daily experiences, including discovery and creative learning, designed to nurture and promote social, emotional and physical, as well as cognitive and language development.
  • A good example of proper manners and social skills …
    which encourage children to cooperate, interact, appreciate and respect others so that they will grow up to be polite, caring, self-confident and assured.

Our Mission:

To develop a community of international, curious and lifelong learners who help to build a better world through open-mindedness, understanding, trust and respect.
We accomplish this through a diverse and energetic curriculum delivered by enthusiastic and professional staff in partnership with children and parents, in a safe, nurturing and supportive environment.
Our program allows children to enjoy learning and to reach their optimal potential – academically, socially and personally, giving them the skills and attitudes to be confident and responsible in an evolving world


Our Curriculum

The Royal English Academy Curriculum was set up as a way of ensuring each learner in our academy received the same educational opportunities wherever they were educated in the country. There are two main aims of our Curriculum; these are:
Aim 1: To provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve.
Aim 2: To promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.

The four main purposes of our Curriculum are:
1) To establish an entitlement of learning for pupils such as knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for their self-fulfillment and development as active and responsible citizens.
2) To establish national standards for the performance of all pupils in the subjects it includes. These standards can be used to set targets for improvement, measure progress towards those targets, and monitor and compare performance between individuals, groups and schools.
3) To promote a coherent national framework that promotes curriculum continuity and is sufficiently flexible to ensure progression in pupils’ learning. It facilitates the transition of pupils between schools and phases of education and provides a foundation for lifelong learning.
4) To promote public understanding of, and confidence in, the work of our academy and in the learning and achievements resulting from compulsory education. It provides a common basis for discussion of educational issues among lay and professional groups, including pupils, parents, teachers, governors and employers.